Golden Milk Recipe (plus why you need Tumeric and Magnesium in your diet!)

Me holding my delicious cup of golden milk

Me holding my delicious cup of golden milk

Normally, I don’t to go into the benefits of specific nutrients and where you can get them because I feel that if you are eating a wide variety of whole foods, organic fruits and vegetables and whole grains (barley, oats, brown rice), then you don’t really have to think about this stuff.  But I find that the topics I’m going to talk about in this post come up a lot.

Tumeric is a wonder herb.  Usually used in Indian cuisine, it has been used in Eastern Medicine for thousands of years. Curcumin, the specific antioxidant in turmeric, is now being studied because it is just…so…amazing…literally.  Its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant,  protects against diabetes, and may even starve off Alzheimer’s.   Be careful when handling this super herb because it will dye everything yellow.  I did mention  here:  that to get your teeth white, you can add Tumeric to your homemade tooth paste, surprisingly even though it dyes everything it touches yellow, it somehow whitens teeth wonderfully.

Below is  a recipe that uses Tumeric.  If taken 3 times a day, it may reduce and possibly even completely reverse joint and muscle pain due to inflammation and arthritis.   The paste can be taken by spoon, although it has a very bitter taste, but what medicine tastes good anyway?  However, golden milk, which is the recipe I’m sharing in this post, is absolutely amazing.  No bitter taste at all, and even my 2-year-old loves it.

Another ingredient in this golden milk is black strap molasses, which is incredibly high in magnesium.  Magnesium is known as a natural muscle relaxer.  If you ever have twitchy muscles or suffer from “restless leg syndrome” it is most likely due to a magnesium deficiency.   Magnesium deficiencies are subtle and usually go undetected by doctors and are much more common than you would think.  Besides the twitches, a sign that you are deficient is insomnia, cramps, migraines, anxiousness and irritability   In very serious cases it  can lead to irregular heart beats and kidney stones.

I’m providing a video on the bottom of my page of where I learned how to make golden milk.  The Doctor in the video puts oil in it, which I do not do…however I have used coconut oil and sesame oil before just to try it and it was very yummy.  Personally, I try to minimize my oil intake so having it on my salad and on my vegetables is enough for me (The RDA is 3 tbls a day).

So on with the recipe:

Tumeric Paste:

  • 1/4 cup Ground Tumeric
  • 1/2 cup pure spring water

Place the tumeric and the water in a sauce pan over medium heat and stir continually for 7-9 minutes.  It might become to thick, at which point you can add more water a tsp at a time.  Put this mixture in a glass jar with a lid in the fridge, it will stay good for up to 2 weeks.

Golden Milk:

  • 2 tsp Tumeric Paste
  • 2 cups milk.  (I use 1 cup of oat milk and 1 cup of whatever other milk I have laying around.  I like to add two different kinds of milk so that I get the most nutrients.  Oat milk has different nutrients then soy milk, which is different then hemp.. which is different then almond milk ect…)
  • 1 tbls Black Strap Molasses
  • Optional: 1 tsp coconut oil or sesame oil

Heat it all up in a sauce pan for about 2 minutes.  Enjoy!