Tempeh Wraps – Vegan, gluten free


***Edited, I forgot to include the sriracha sauce I used in the BBQ sauce.  Of course, its completely optional, if you don’t like spicy things, you can exclude it.

Tempeh is made from cooked and slightly fermented soy beans that have been formed into a patty.  It is an excellent source of protein, (just 4 grams is the 41% of the daily value for protein) while helping to lower cholesterol and normalize blood sugar levels.  Along with protein, tempeh has manganese, copper, phosphorous, vitamin B2, and magnesium.  Tempeh, along with soy, is also awesome at helping women get through menopause because of the  isoflavones that bond with estrogen receptors.  But fear not guys, the same isoflavones that help women, also help men prevent prostate cancer!  Plus, the fiber helps everyone prevent cancer, while helping gastrointestinal issues.  Speaking of gastrointestinal issues, tempeh is another one of those gut healing foods, it is full of probiotics, so it should be included in your diet along with yogurts, and tofu and other fermented foods.

Please remember that most of the soy beans grown in the US are GMO.  Please buy organic as its the only way to guarantee you aren’t getting GMO soy.

The first time I made tempeh, I didn’t really like it too much but since I’ve changed my eating habits and livened up my taste buds, I’ve grown quite fond of it.  The recipe I’m going to share with you is wonderful for those who are unaccustomed to eating this low fat, powerhouse food.


This is Tempeh, find it in your produce section in large groceries or in health food stores. Read the ingredients, some tempeh contain fillers like barley, which is NOT gluten free.

These are the brands of organic ketchup and mustard that I use.  The ketchup has NO high fructose corn syrup in it. I highly suggest throwing out any ketchup that you have around that has this ingredient in it.

These are the brands of organic ketchup and mustard that I use. The ketchup has NO high fructose corn syrup in it. I highly suggest throwing out any ketchup that you have around that has this ingredient in it.

This is the gluten free wrap that I use, its not organic, but its quite soft and it holds it doesn't break when you bend it like some other brand's I've tried.

This is the gluten free wrap that I use, its not organic, but its quite soft and it doesn’t break when you bend it like some other brand’s I’ve tried.

BBQ Sauce:

  • 2 Tbsp Organic Ketchup
  • 2 Tbsp Organic mustard
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp white agave
  • 1 tsp sriracha sauce (or more if you like it spicy)

Heat all ingredients in a saucepan over low heat and stir it up, about 1 minute.


  • 1 package Organic Tempeh – sliced into 3/4 inch thick slices
  • 1 gluten free wrap
  • vegan mayo
  • lettuce
  • tomato
  • vegan cheddar cheese (I use daiya brand)

Put the tempeh into the bbq and let it marinade for at least 20 minutes.  I let mine marinate for 2 hours.

Heat 1 tbsp coconut oil in a pan, and cook the tempeh on each side for 3 minutes.  Lay the mayo out on the wrap, the cheese, two slices of the tempeh, a peice of tomato and the lettuce.  Wrap it up and enjoy!


3 thoughts on “Tempeh Wraps – Vegan, gluten free

    • yeah I spent about a half hour in the wrap section reading ingredients lol, I tried the brown rice wraps as well and I really didn’t like them. I’m really glad I found these.

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