The 100th Monkey


Taken from Google 


The 100th Monkey experiment is one in which monkey’s were taught to wash their food in water, and when enough monkeys caught on to this new knowledge, monkey’s of the same species in many different places across the seas began to wash their food in water as well.  This is called Critical Mass.  There have been many studies conducted after this one in which this phenomena has been observed.    A scientist named Sheldrake  gave subjects a crossword puzzle to complete, during which they were timed.  Then he broadcast the answers of the crossword puzzle to thousands of TV simultaneously, and brought in a new group who had never seen the puzzle.  Timing them, this second group completed the puzzle, correctly, in a much shorter time.  You can read more about Sheldrake’s work here: .  Mind you, I am giving very abbreviated versions of these studies, but please feel free to Google them yourself, or simply type in collective unconscious as there are numerous papers written in Google scholar.   Below is a short video about the 100th monkey experiment.

You might be wondering why I’m writing about this on a blog about holistic health, but to me, its obvious.  I really do believe in the collective unconscious.  There is much to science that we don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.  After all, we just discovered the Higgs Boson, and we were looking for that for YEARS.  People didn’t even think it really existed, but…there it is!  And just like that, in one night, everyone was just like, “well yeah we knew it was there, of course!”

My  belief in the nature of the universe is, in part,  why I write.  If we can reach critical mass in understanding truth then it won’t need to be taught anymore.  It will just be common knowledge.   Of course, first we need to overcome this gigantic barrier that is advertising.   They don’t call it programming for nothing.  It literally is programming us to think a certain way.  When you see a commercial for a big mac, try to keep in mind what they are selling, because I assure you it isn’t food.  They are selling you childhood, they are selling you happiness, and they are good at it.  They are good at telling us that the additives won’t harm us.  They are good at pretending pesticides won’t harm us, even though the pesticides are very efficient at killing living organisms.   They are experts at deception.

As a species we need to educate ourselves on what is food.  Real food.  We need to get to critical mass.  So if you blog, keep blogging, if you share posts on social networks, keep sharing.  It makes me so happy to see so many people writing about these issues, and the many more issues we face as a human race.  I am acquiring readers from all parts of the world and I want you all to know that we are one, we are all family.  The  issues that effect me in WA, USA are also an issue for people in Iran, in India, in Australia.  And your issues effect me too.  Deeply.

I’ve mentioned before that holistic nutrition is more then our food choices.  It is our entire mind, body, and soul.  It is as much about how we exercise our bodies as it is how we exercise our relationships with the people around us.  This is why I write.  To teach, to  connect, to make a difference.  When we understand how life is  connected, then no effort is too small, everything matters.  Make a dent.


This is a piece of graffiti art on the wall near pike place market in Seattle, WA.